Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A tough go of it

Today I would file my run in the "lets forget this" category.  We set out on a 8 mile run at 10:30 am and we didn't finish the loop until 12:00 pm.  Worst part is we ran the first 3 miles at a 9:00 mile clip.  We started our farklets at this time and it was all downhill (or uphill, I guess...) from there.  I guess running our 7 miler late last night and then going out for our run early today put a bigger stress on my legs then I expected.  Miles 5-7 were brutal.  I was lucky to have Dana running by my side, she really pushed me and I'm happy to say I finished strong.  Thanks Babe!

Only 4 more days until Gronk conquers the world!!!!!

Gronkowski 2012!


  1. Blog looks great! I am wondering if you have permission from the excellent photographer to use her copyrighted photo on your blog? ha,ha, I like the way it goes on either side. Thanks you for the nice compliment on my cup photo. Ask Dana if she will follow my blog-I have 15 followers now, wow! I am proud of it. Thanks so much for getting me going on it.
