Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yesterday's Run: 7 miles, last 20 mins moderate
Time: 61 min

Since Nate was busy doing something for school in NY state all day Sunday, our regular run got pushed back to Monday. I had been crossing my fingers that the temp would be warm enough for an outside run; but alas, it was not. I ran the first 4.5 miles at an easy 9:00 min/mile pace, then bumped it up to an 8:00 min/mile for the last 20 minutes/2.5 miles. In the past, this speed has not been impossible for me to do. It isn't exactly pleasant, I am certainly pushing myself, but it isn't impossible. Six minutes into it, I had to slow the pace down. At one point I stopped completely and felt like I needed to throw up. I am hoping it was just a one-time thing, and I will be able to return to normal next time. I put it back up to the 8:00 min/mile for the last few minutes or so, as sort of a final push.

Today's run is supposed to be 5 miles plus a bunch of hill sprints (three? four? the chart is on the fridge and I am too lazy to get up and check right now, as I ran after a 2-year-old all morning and my legs hurt). Maybe I'll post again later if I'm bored.


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